Train Insane Thursday Bodybuilding styel!!!
Chest, Triceps and Biceps! 💪
***** Reminder*** There is NO 6:30am class on Thursday or Bodyweight WOD. Go out for a Run/walk and Or do some form of outdoor activity in the sunshine! OR you can always repeat a previous AT HOME WOD from weeks prior.
1. Floor Press 3x15
2. One Arm Floor Press, 3x 15 Each arm
3. Squeeze Press 3x 12
4. Super Set
DB Floor Fly 3x12 /Max Rep Push ups

Lying DB Tricep Extension
Lying Close Grip DB Press
2. 2 Arm Over head Tricep Ext 3 x 12
3. DB Tricep Kick Back 3 x 12

1. 3 Sets of DB 21's
2. 3 Sets of DB Hammer Curl 21's
4. DB Concentration Curls 3 x 12 each arm