REMINDER: Max Effort Annual Holiday Party TONIGHT at Station Tap Upstairs from 6pm - 9pm. (the entrance is next to Artillery Brewing)
-$40 for Alcohol + food.
-$20 for non-alcohol drinkers!
Dress fancy OR wear an ugly Christmas Sweater!
If anyone would like to participate in a Pollyanna we can do that—$25 limit! Bring a gift get a gift—can be a gag gift or a real gift!
Bill's goal for the new year is to be kinder to himself and others, to give himself a break when he needs it, and to keep moving forward in the right direction. You got this Bill, and MEF has your back!
Enjoy your Birthday WOD! :)
45-minute PARTNER WOD
1 Round of:
-45 Power Cleans
-45 Burpees
-45 Pull-ups
-19 cal Row or Bike
-80 Dubs / 160 Singles
2 Rounds of:
-45 DB Snatches
-45 Back Squats
-45 DB Step Ups
-19 cal Row or Bike
-80 Dubs / 160 Singles