Good Day MEF, what goals would you like to accomplish this week?
Strength: Shoulders and Back (15 minutes)
1A. DB Seated Shoulder Press 4x5 @ 7 RPE (sit on a box)
1B. DB Rear Delt Fly 4x8 @ 7 RPE (VIDEO)
Shoulder Finisher:
-DB Front Raise + DB Lateral Raise 3x10
1 DB Front Raise + 1 DB Lateral Raise = 1rep
Conditioning: For Time (15 minute cap)
-50 Curtis Ps (105/70) (95/65) (75/55)
1 "Curtis P" complex = 1 Power Clean, 1 Lunge (each leg), and 1 Push Press
PROGRAM NOTE: WHAT IS RPE? (you will see more RPE sets programmed moving forward)
RPE—Rate of Perceived Effort—is a subjective measurement of how hard someone feels they are working during physical activity. RPE can be a helpful way to get accustomed to how your body feels during a workout by tuning into how heavy you are breathing and how fast your heart is beating. On the RPE Scale, zero (0) = rest, and ten (10) = maximal effort. See chart below:
