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  1. SAFETY FIRST. Our goal at Max Effort Fitness is to provide a safe and effective group fitness experience. Safety for our members and coaches is paramount. You are responsible for disclosing any essential information on injuries or other health conditions to coaches AND completing all required documentation—including our waiver—prior to attending a strength & conditioning class. Additionally, if a coach stops activity, changes programming, or makes adjustments, it is because they have deemed something potentially unsafe.

  2. SHOW UP ON TIME. Every minute of class time is your workout. You may know the saying, “If you are early, you are on time, if you are on time…you're late.” Please do your best to show up a few minutes early for class to get your mind and body prepared to exercise. If you are arriving late, your responsibility is to notify the coach and you are responsible for your own warm-up. The coach will not wait for you, they will not repeat instruction, and you are responsible for playing catch up or choosing to attend a later class time. 

  3. COME PREPARED. If you are exercising, you should be prepared with the appropriate attire and equipment. This includes: closed-toed athletic shoes, athletic clothing, applied deodorant, and a filled water bottle. If you have longer hair, please gather and secure it, and if you have jewelry like earrings or rings, please take them off before attending class. If you use any additional personal equipment—like your own lifting gloves, wrist straps, belt, or alternative shoes, please feel free to bring them as well.

  4. PAY ATTENTION WHEN THE COACH IS INSTRUCTING. Whether you’ve been resistance training for 1 month or 5 years, it is UNSAFE and disrespectful to have your own private conversation or do your own thing when the coach is trying to give instruction to the class. You may know how to perform each movement off the top of your head, but not everyone does, so just be patient and quiet and let everyone get the full benefits of the coaches’ knowledge. Besides, you might learn something new about the lift that you would have otherwise missed.

  5. BE MINDFUL OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS. Please give other members plenty of space while they are performing lifts. Do not walk in front of members while they are completing a lift. Be mindful of where you are dropping your equipment. Do not drop equipment on wooden platforms, do not let barbells bounce excessively and erratically into walls and onto other gym equipment.

  6. RESPECT THE EQUIPMENT.  Drop weight as a last resort. ALWAYS keep your weight under control. NEVER drop an empty barbell above the hip. NEVER drop a kettlebell or dumbbell above the knees.

  7. CLEAN UP AND PUT YOUR TOYS AWAY. Put away all the equipment you used back where it belongs. Stack the boxes neatly, put the bars in the racks, stack the plates in order, hang up your jump ropes. Clean up your sweat spots with a cleaner and a mop. Pick up your used tape, pens, notebooks, scrap papers, chalk, band-aids, water bottles and sweaty clothes. 

  8. AVOID CELL PHONE USE. So much of our world is at our fingertips. The gym is a place to build a deeper connection between your mind and body through exercise and resistance training. Please do not take personal phone calls during instruction and class time as this can be distracting to your training and other members around you. You are welcome to step away from class to address any calls or texts. Everyone is encouraged to put their phone on “Do Not Disturb” for the hour and give themselves the gift of self-care.

  9. CHALK STAYS IN THE CHALK BUCKET. Chalk should be used conservatively. Please clap or brush your hands over the chalk bucket before grabbing equipment. Don’t take the chalk on a field trip around the gym, don’t use it to write on the floor, chalk handprints on the floor must be cleaned up. 

  10. ALWAYS TRY. Effort earns respect. Work hard. Be optimistic, have fun and push yourself and those around you to do better.

  11. NEVER SAY I CAN'T. When you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done. Everyone’s building blocks look different, listen and learn from coaches and members around you and learn to get out of your comfort zone and push your limits.

  12. DON'T CHEAT YOURSELF. By performing incomplete reps and cutting rep counts short, the only person you are cheating is yourself and your health. Be honest with yourself and your capabilities and leave your ego at the door. If a coach corrects you, listen to them. The coach watching your form has a much better perspective on what you’re doing than you do. 

  13. STRIVE FOR CONSISTENCY. Consistency is KEY. For newbies, make sure you’re staying consistent.  For long-time members, don’t start thinking that it’s okay to just do your own thing whenever you want to. There’s a myriad of reasons we have class—for starters, you’re less likely to bias yourself towards the things you’re good at; you’ll get some competition; and no matter how experienced you are, you still need coaching and you can still stand to work on the basics.

  14. FOCUS ON PROGRESS…NOT PERFECTION. Effort is most important. Every individual is unique and has a different starting point in their health and fitness journey. There is no need to feel embarrassed or discouraged if you are not lifting as much weight or performing like other members. Everyone is there for the same reason—to grow and get better. It doesn’t matter so long as you push YOUR OWN limits each and every workout.

  15. KEEP YOUR COMMENTS AND COMPLAINTS TO YOURSELF. Complaining is draining! You do not make progress by complaining. If you do not like something, please keep it to yourself because other members might enjoy what you do not like. Stay encouraging and positive, that is how we grow.

  16. BE PATIENT WITH YOUR PROCESS. “Form follows function and intensity drives adaptation.” What does that mean? The harder you continue to work, the better you’ll feel. Upward progression in strength, speed, and ability WILL come with patience.

  17. HONOR REST DAYS. Rest is as valuable as work. A machine working all day, every day, will eventually break down. You should include one (1) scheduled rest day per week. Rest your body to allow your muscles to recover in order to prevent injuries.

  18. INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO OTHERS. Research suggests the best place to make friends as an adult is through fitness classes. Max Effort Fitness is more than just a gym, It’s a community. Whether you know everyone in class or this is your first day, make an effort to bravely introduce yourself and talk to someone you may be unfamiliar with.






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